Interesting uses of nuclear chemistry in the world

Vnaya Education
3 min readAug 5, 2022


Nuclear chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies radioactivity, nuclear processes, and atomic nuclei alterations such as nuclear transmutation and nuclear characteristics.

In online science tutoring It is the chemistry of radioactive materials such as actinides, radium, and radon, as well as the chemistry related to nuclear-processing equipment (such as nuclear reactors).

This encompasses surface corrosion as well as behavior under normal and abnormal operating circumstances (such as during an accident). The behavior of things and materials after they have been placed in nuclear waste storage or disposal site is an important issue.

Agriculture and Food Production
Agricultural workers utilize radiation to prevent hazardous insects from breeding in various places of the world.

When insects are unable to reproduce, there are fewer of them. Reducing the number of pests and bugs preserves crops, resulting in more food for the globe.

Irradiation also destroys germs and other potentially hazardous organisms found in food. This form of sterilization does not render food radioactive or have a substantial impact on its nutritional value.

Irradiation is the only efficient approach to eliminating microorganisms in raw and frozen foods.


Nuclear technologies produce pictures of the human body and can aid in illness treatment. Nuclear science, for example, has enabled doctors to precisely forecast the quantity of radiation necessary to destroy cancer tumors while causing no harm to healthy cells.

Gamma rays are used in hospitals to sanitize medical equipment safely and cost-effectively. Radiation sterilizes syringes, burn bandages, surgical gloves, and heart valves.

Exploration of Space

Deep space exploration is now possible thanks to nuclear technology. The heat from plutonium is used to create energy in unmanned spacecraft generators,

which may function unattended for years. The spacecraft is powered by this dependable, long-term supply of electricity, even when they travel deep into space.

According to the Nuclear Energy Institute, Voyager 1, which was launched in 1977 to probe the outer solar system, is still sending data today.

Desalination of Water
According to the World Nuclear Association, one-fifth of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water, and that figure is anticipated to rise. Nuclear technology has the potential to play an essential role in solving this difficulty.

Water desalination
It is the process of eliminating salt from saltwater to make it potable. This procedure, however, needs a substantial amount of energy.

Nuclear energy facilities can offer the significant quantity of electricity required by desalination plants to generate fresh drinking water.

Radiocarbon Detection

The procedure of establishing the age of a sample by comparing the quantity of C-14 left to the known half-life, 5,730 years, is known as radiocarbon dating.

This method works because organisms are continually refilling their C-14 supply through respiration, supplying them with a consistent quantity of the isotope. When an organism dies, it no longer absorbs carbon from its surroundings, and the unstable C-14 isotope begins to disintegrate.

Nuclear Power Plants: Nuclear Waste
Nuclear waste is radioactive waste, which means it emits radiation on its own. It is often formed as a by-product of nuclear processes in applications such as medicine and research.

With time, radioactive waste degrades, generating alpha, beta, and gamma radiation that poses several health dangers to the environment and most species, including people.

Because of the hazardous nature of nuclear waste, there are stringent government regulations governing its safe disposal.

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